Sunday, November 12, 2006

Promo envy

As a DJ, I get to see lots and lots of listeners win cool contests. With many of the more-common prizes - like movie screenings - we are usually given some for ourselves.

Every so often, big contests come along that just make us so envious of our listeners. Why? Well, because we're not allowed to join and win. Our listeners get a small chance of winning, while we get absolutely none at all.

Our latest big promo, "Feelin' Famous", is one that I really really wouldn't mind winning. With all the prizes, it's like winning several contests in one. How lucky our listeners are.


At 1:19 PM, Blogger ~currant7 said...

Yeah! this prize/contest so rocks! even if you don't win...maybe just being picked as a top 10 or top 5 should be cool as it is. :)


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