Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Supersized Me

Back in Manila I used to have a segment for my radio show at Jam 88.3 called "The DJ Rick Weight-loss Challenge". It was all about my quest to get back in shape. I figured that if I suffered the embarrassment of announcing my weight on air, I'd be pressured to exercise and diet. It actually worked, until I had back surgery. Then during my recovery I started gaining it all back.

Now, almost a year since my operation, I'm on the other side of the world still trying to get that weight-loss momentum back. It's tough enough that I'm not allowed to do much exercise, but what's worse is I'm in the land of milk and honey, and hamburgers, and pizza, and hot dogs, and reese's...

According to the documentary "Supersize Me", Texas is the fattest state in America. Now that I'm here, it's no wonder why. All the food is served in large portions. I'm trying my best to keep from overeating, but it's damn hard.

At least summer is just about here, and the neighborhood pool will be open. I'll be able to put in real time doing laps to try to continue, in private, my weight-loss challenge.


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