Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What's up.

It's been a few weeks since I've written in this blog, so this will be just an update to what's going down with me. So what has been happening?

Well, my wife and I are currently looking at buying a car, so we've been check out our model and loan options. She's about to start at her new job here, so getting our own vehicle is now a financial posibility.

I'm still working weekends at a local TV station. Although it's an ok position that pays a decent wage, I've been looking for a regular weekday job.

A couple of weeks ago the Houston Chronicle, the largest newspaper here, interviewed me for their online advertising department. The the HR department emailed me last week saying that they liked me, but they're renovating their building and I'll have to wait for them to make room before they can give me an offer.

Thank God things are finally falling into place. The past couple of months have been a real test. Bless my sisters and my bro-in-law for helping us out.


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