Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mysterious ways

Last saturday while I was doing my a cappella show "The Blend", a listener texted-in saying that s/he wanted to commit suicide. So the next time I turned on the mic, I tried to give some soothing words and I even played an inspiring song.

Then I realized something; those words applied to me too. I'm currently going through a very rough time in my life (not just my surgery recovery but other very personal matters). That inspirational adlib that I was broadcasting on air also applied to my life.

I don't know if my words got through to the texter (s/he never replied). I sure do hope it helped. Even if it didn't, the words definitely helped me out a lot.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


For the next two weeks Jamaica will be on leave. Since I've been having problems working at night (due to my back recovery), the boss was kind enough to let me fill-in.

A "night-time morning show" for call center people was my pitch to the boss, so letting go of it will be hard. But everything happens for a reason and I just have to accept it. Besides, I'm sure Patti will handle the show just fine.

Though I still love my job and I always put a lot of hard work into it, the past few months have taught me the importance of focusing on other things in life.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The hits just keep on coming

One of the most difficult parts of being a DJ is trying to present an upbeat lively show when you yourself are feeling bad. The stress of it is extremely taxing mentally, emotionally and even physically.

Since my surgery, I've been dealing with physical problems affecting my work as a DJ. Just recently I've been presented with a very big personal problem. Not exactly what I need right now. It may not seem apparent on-air, but I've really been struggling to get by.

I've talked to our boss about my situation. It looks like I might have to move to the daytime to help relieve my back pains (boarding at the end of the day has taken its toll). My personal problems are more complex though, but at least I could have one less thing to getting in the way of my work.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Back on the horse

I started the "Weight-loss Challenge" in late January when I weighed 220lbs and had to buy slacks with elastic. It wasn't completely out of vanity, but mainly so, since I'm a DJ and professional emcee.

With the help of Medislim Weigh Management, I was able to bring that down to 198 in three months. But then I hurt my back (which eventually had to be operated on). I stopped the program and was bedridden for almost two months. My weight climbed back up to 210.

It may seem disappointing that I gained a little back. But I realized that had I not lost all that weight with Medislim, I'd probably be over 250 after being bedridden.

Now, I'm slowly easing myself into the program and I'm back down to 205. I can't wait to be under 200 again.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Taking its toll

I think I just figured it out. I'm well into recovery from my back surgery, but I'm still not yet 100%. It could be due to my schedule.

Our show "Nightlife" starts at 9pm. That's the end of the day, when my back is already tired. Three hours of performing a lively energetic talk-show would make even normal backs ache. But what about one that's weakened by major surgery? I've been trying to rest and take mid-day naps, but it hasn't helped much.

As of now, I Patti's taken the driver's seat in our program, while I only get off the sofa to adlib when it's time to discuss something on air. I just can't sit behind the console for three hours straight.

Apparently a full recovery will take 8-12 weeks. I'm already into week number 8 and my progress has slowed. I can't help but think that maybe I'm hindering it.

I'm gonna give it a couple more weeks. If my back is still having a hard time, I'll talk to the boss. I love doing our "nightime morning show", but I really have to consider the long-term effects.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I've recently done a lot of reflecting. Since my operation, I've spent quite some time thinking about the things in life that are truly important. After two weeks back at work, things are not the same and may never be.

I used to get really worked up about a lot of little things, especially regarding work. But now, they don't get to me all that much. It's not that I don't care. I still put lots of work into my shows. I just don't take things personally anymore.

Maybe I'm just more focused now on what really matters. Like my family, the time we spend together and our plans for the future.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

On my back

I'm almost fully recovered from my surgery but I still have limitations. The biggest being the fact that I can't remain seated or standing very long without my back beginning to ache.

Last night my co-host Patti was late because of heavy traffic caused by the rains. Since my return, she's been handling all the console work, to allow me to rest between our talk time. I was so glad when she finally arrived.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Next Step

Ever since my injury and operation, I've been taking everything one little step at a time. Last week (my first one back on the job) my family and I stayed in Pasig so I wouldn't have to travel all the way to and from P'que every day.

We went back home over the weekend and this week's challenge is driving to and from work every day. I'm confident that if I manage to avoid heavy traffic and I get enough rest before leaving and upon arriving at work, there should be no problems.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Just my luck

I've been away from our nighttime-morning show "Nightlife" for about a month and a half, because of my back injury, surgery and recovery. Yesterday (Monday) was my "big return" to the show. Unfortunately, I caught a bad cough and cold over the weekend and was struggling with a stuffy head throughout the program. Well, even though I wasn't able to give it 100 percent, at least the show went rather smoothly.